CardIQ Xpress 2.0 Reveal
Bringing integration and automation
to your CT Cardiac post processing needs
At a glance
Automatically segments the coronary tree, tracks and labels the coronary arteries
Coronary Plaque
Plaque ID tool assists in visualizing and quantifying plaque burden
Relative perfusion
Highlights and quantifies hypo-dense areas of myocardium
- Pre-processing automatically recognizes cardiac datasets and performs all segmentations as data arrives on the system saving processing time
- Auto Coronary analysis automatically segments the coronary tree, tracks and labels the coronary arteries
- Three pre-defined orientation protocols for easy review of the coronary vessels and chambers
- Relative perfusion color codes and quantifies percent of hypo-dense areas of myocardium with four selectable color maps and fusion overlays with the coronary tree
- Plaque ID provides volume measurements for four distinct Hounsfield ranges to aid with identification and visualization of coronary plaque
- Automatic extraction of the left ventricle across all phases and the automatic detection of systole and diastole delivers calculated ejection fraction and stroke volumes
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