The guiding principle behind Discovery NM530c’s technology and system design was to focus on the heart. This principle
is evident in everything from the excellent energy and spatial resolution of its CZT detector technology, to its strategically
positioned pinhole collimators, to its stationary system design with as many detectors as close to the heart as possible.
Discovery NM530c’s breakthrough Alcyone technology enables it to be a fully-stationary system. This is key to its ability
to focus on the heart and enable a reduction in acquisition time translating to reduced risk of motion artifacts associated
with patient movement. This is possible with two key innovations: CZT detectors and multi-pinhole collimators.
CZT detectors significantly improve resolution by directly converting gamma rays into digital signals, eliminating the
need for photomultiplier tubes. This enables the compact detector design needed to configure multiple detectors next
to one another for a simultaneous multi-view acquisition. In addition, its unique multi-pinhole collimators are positioned
to encompass the heart. This provides a “quality field of view” that focuses on cardiac anatomy and pathology with
great clarity and speed.
Alcyone CFR is an advanced quantitative application included in our Xeleris™ 4.0 workstation. It leverages the high sensitivity
of Alcyone technology to bring measurable results to the heart. It calculates coronary flow reserve and myocardial
blood flow from a dynamic SPECT acquisition. In addition, it delivers absolute quantitative results for both global
and regional blood flow.
Fully-stationary acquisitions reduce motion artifacts
Shorter exam times reduce the frequency and magnitude of artifacts caused by patient motion or physiological changes
Proprietary, fully-3D iterative reconstruction is optimized for the best results in each clinical protocol
CZT detectors provide exceptional spatial and energy resolution
Multi-pinhole collimation improves sensitivity and detection efficiency
Increased sensitivity can be used to reduce dose, increase statistics or speed up acquisition times
Exceptional energy resolution for improved image quality and multi-isotope imaging opportunities